Mayo Mental Health Association hosts ‘Moving Your Mind’ at Ballina Stephenites GAA Club

Mayo Mental Health Association hosts ‘Moving Your Mind’ at Ballina Stephenites GAA Club

Mayo Mental Health Association in partnership with the HSE, The Movement Castlebar, Mayo GAA and Healthy Ireland recently held the launch of the ‘Moving your Mind’ Initiative 2019 in the New Leisure Complex at Lough Lannagh. With last year’s events proving to be a great success it has been decided to facilitate the programme again this year in four different clubs; Ballina Stephenites GAA, Burrishoole GAA, Ballaghaderreen GAA & The Neale GAA.

These events have been designed and developed to showcase how exercise and good nutrition can promote positive mental health and wellbeing within rural communities.  The aim of the locations is to try to capture every region within the county, with North Mayo’s Ballina Stephenites GAA Club hosting ‘Moving Your Mind’ on Tuesday 12th November at 7.30pm.

The guest speakers for the event this year will include Seamus Tuohy Mayo Mental Health Services/Mayo GAA, Andy Moran The Movement Gyms, Lianne McManamon Mayo Mental Health Association, Evan Regan Nutrition and Neil Douglas Yoga/Meditation.

Fran Downey MacKeever, Health and Wellbeing Officer for Ballina Stephenites States;

‘Ballina Stephenites GAA Club are delighted to be one of the four chosen clubs to host this years ‘Moving Your Mind’ initiative.  We are especially delighted to welcome Ballina Stephenite Club Player and Mayo GAA Evan Regan to discuss the importance of nutrition for healthy body and healthy mind and recently retired Mayo GAA player Andy Moran, discussing the positive impacts our sporting clubs have on our rural and town communities.  We invite all members of the wider community of Ballina to attend ‘Moving your Mind’ on Tuesday night 12th November from 7.30pm.’

Andy Moran

Andy will discuss exercise and its importance to the individual and the wider community.  He will also talk about the impact clubs and societies can have on rural communities.  In society where time seems to be a huge issue Andy will also delve into task management and how best to fit exercise into your daily routine.  Finally, he will look at the social impact of exercise within communities.

Evan Regan

Evan is going to cover the importance of nutrition for a healthy body and a healthy mind.  He is going to cover numerous aspects regarding nutrition and will do this in an interactive format throughout each event.

Neil Douglas

Neil is going to talk about the impact Yoga and Stretching can have on all generations and will also discuss the positive influence meditation can have on a person’s outlook on difficult situations. Neil will then be facilitating a short demonstration on the practice of yoga and meditation.

Lianne McManamon

Lianne, as Mental Health Promotion Officer with Mayo MHA will round up the evenings in relation to how all three of these things; exercise, nutrition and yoga/meditation, feeds into the promotion of Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing. Lianne will also speak on the importance of Community Mental Health and Wellbeing; our language and influence on those around us and information on the supports available through Mayo MHA.   

Following on from this there will be a short Q & A after all speakers have facilitated their workshops.

Further details contact

Mayo Mental Health Association ; Lianne McManamon Health Promotion Officer,Ph: 094 9038148

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