Ballina Chamber of Commerce election manifesto makes infrastructure a priority

Ballina Chamber of Commerce election manifesto makes infrastructure a priority

Infrastructure deficits are not a new issue in for Ballina and its environs but there are fears that the problem could get even worse.

At present the majority of investment in roads is being made in the west of the county Ballina Chamber says, saying that there is an urgent need to improve transport infrastructure in a way that will encourage visitor numbers into the area and encourage new business to locate in Ballina and North Mayo. Improved infrastructure will also encourage more bus journeys, reducing car journeys. A focus on rail improvements including capacity and early morning service is also required.

Ballina Chamber’s members represent almost 10,000 people working in Ballina and a majority of member’s ranked infrastructure and access as their first or second priority.

Beyond just addressing traffic congestion, ‘Get Ballina Moving’ focuses on multiple areas which Ballina Chamber says are crucial to making the town a more liveable and economically viable place.

Ballina Chamber has focused on five priority areas for its manifesto, including

  • Accessibility: The ability to get into and around the town and county is vital for society and the area’s economy. Traffic congestion is choking Ballina.
  • Sustainability: Address climate change, its impact on society and increase the use of Green Energy throughout Ballina.
  • Liveability: Make Ballina the best place in Ireland in which to live, work and visit.
  • Economic Viability: To develop and achieve growth targets through Project Ireland 2040 Ballina must increase its attractiveness for international, national and local businesses.
  • Accountability: Policy decisions on Ballina’s immediate environment should be made in Ballina by those accountable to its people.

Speaking about the campaign to ‘Get Ballina Moving’ recently elected Ballina Chamber President Gerry Luskin commented, “We’re calling on all candidates in Ballina to pledge support to the detailed aims of making Ballina the best place in Ireland in which to live, work and to visit.”

“Addressing infrastructure deficits is a major part of our manifesto but also a call to help make improvements to all aspects of Ballina society and to Get Ballina Moving for everyone.”

Luskin said that the recent announcements including the planned initial research on the ring road, the development of Ireland’s first Presidential Library in the Mary Robinson Centre, the digital hub at the Military Barracks are positive signs, but that more needs to be done as a matter of urgency to address the infrastructure deficits.

In line with Chambers Ireland calling for ‘Place Making’ to be at the heart of a new programme for Government, by emphasising the importance of a place in how we work and do business, we are more likely to create a sustainable, balanced and progressive economy.

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