Buy Shop Local Gift Vouchers and help keep money local this Christmas!
Commenting on the announcement that there are now over 40 local shops and businesses redeeming Shop Local Gift Vouchers Paul Regan, President of Ballina Chamber is calling on members of the public and the business community to get behind the Shop Local Vouchers this Christmas and give them as Christmas presents to family and staff.
“With over €20,000 sold to date since they launched in November 2016, exactly a year ago they have been a resounding success” commented Paul. The Chamber started this initiative to help keep money, and protect local jobs within the local economy. The Chambers plan is to grow sales even more for the remainder of the year and encourage consumers to purchase Shop Local vouchers not just at Christmas, but twelve months of the year.”
By giving these vouchers you are giving the gift of choice as they can be spent in Restaurants, Hotels, Gift Stores, Gyms, Beautician, Clothes shops, and much more – you will be amazed with the selection of businesses now redeeming them. The vouchers now come in a denomination of €10, €25 and €50’s. They are also ideal gift for occasions such as Weddings, Birthdays, Retirements, Anniversaries and Staff Rewards. Paul mentioned that “The person who receives the voucher is given the opportunity to choose from over 40 participating shops, as to where they wish to redeem them. They can purchase their Christmas dinner, the turkey and ham, spuds and bottles of wine in local butchers, deli and supermarket!”
Local Employees support Tax Free payment
Paul is also asking local employers to get behind this voucher scheme and give the Shop Local Gift Vouchers as the Christmas Bonus this year. Employers can save 56% on staff rewards by giving employees a Shop Local Gift Voucher instead of cash. Paul mentioned that “Businesses can reward their staff with a €500 tax free payment. You are entitled to give one each and every year. Under the Small Benefits Exemption Scheme, company Directors and Employees can receive a non-cash bonus of up to €500 in value on a completely tax free basis each year and he would encourage all employers to buy this voucher for the town”.
By buying the “Shop Local Gift Vouchers” not only can you save money by taking advantage of the Government Small Benefit Exemption Scheme but it is also a fully deductible business expense for your company. If you haven’t availed of the Small Benefit Exemption Scheme so far in 2017, Paul would encourage you do so before 31st December 2017 and use Shop Local Gift Vouchers for this.
Paul also stated that Directors of a limited company can avail of a €500 tax free payment as they are considered an employee of the business. Unfortunately this benefit does not apply to Sole traders / Partnerships however it would apply to their employees.
Paul reiterated that “there is no commission on this voucher – €100 is worth €100 and costs €100 to buy. They do not lose value over time and the shops do not pay commission on them either.
If you are a retailer and you are not a Chamber member, we would highly recommend you join now, today. Paul states “Its a no brainer, you will easily recoup your membership in a couple of transactions, with no additional commission on the voucher, this is an ideal opportunity for independent retailers.”
If you want to buy vouchers you can purchase directly from the Ballina Chamber Offices by Tel: 096 72800 or email [email protected] To check out the full list of outlets who are redeeming the Shop Local Gift Vouchers contact the office and here is the list of Shop Local participants
Main Image courtesy of Mike Kinsella