Irish Water investing €19m  In Mayo Area

Irish Water investing €19m In Mayo Area

Irish Water investing €19m to end discharge of untreated wastewater from Killala, Foxford and Charlestown


Project will have major benefits for health, the environment, tourism and future growth prospects in Mayo communities.

Irish Water is working in conjunction with Mayo County Council to end the discharge of untreated wastewater into Killala Bay, and to help improve the water quality in the Mullaghanoe River and the River Moy. The total investment in this key project to achieve environmental compliance in these areas will be approximately €19m.

This project will bring significant benefits to these communities in terms of health, development potential and better water quality for all. By ensuring that all discharges meet the requirements as set out in the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, it will help protect the receiving waters. This in turn will enhance the quality of life and amenity value, and act as a platform for social and economic development in Killala, Foxford, Charlestown and the surrounding areas.

In Killala, the project which will include the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant to serve a population equivalent (PE) of 2,300; a new pumping station; and the upgrade of the associated sewer network. This will ensure that wastewater discharging to Killala Bay meets appropriate discharge standards.

Ross Strand Kilalla

Ross Strand Kilalla

The Foxford and Charlestown sewerage schemes will upgrade the wastewater treatment networks in both towns in order to provide wastewater treatment for the current population and for future growth in the area.

In Foxford, this will entail the construction of a new treatment plant to serve a population equivalent of 3,600; the construction of a new pumping station and upgrade of the three existing pumping stations; installation of a new rising mains and upgrade of the collection network.



In Charlestown, the work will involve upgrading the existing wastewater treatment plant to increase the capacity to 3,250 PE as well as the installation of new sewers and a new outfall to the Mullaghanoe River.

Charlestown River

Charlestown River

The new treatment plants and associated infrastructure have all been designed to accommodate an increase in the local population into the future in order to support future growth and development.

Colm Claffey, Irish Water’s Infrastructure Regional Lead, commented:

“The practice of discharging untreated wastewater is no longer acceptable and Irish Water intends to rectify this problem by constructing new/upgraded wastewater treatment plants to ensure that wastewater discharging from Killala, Foxford and Charlestown meets appropriate discharge standards. This will bring notable benefits to the areas in terms of health, integrity of the environment and improved water quality for all.”

Irish Water has signed a contract with Glan Agua to deliver this essential project. Construction is expected to get underway in the coming weeks with the project due to be completed by early 2020.

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