Lady of the Moy, Kate-Leigh Farrell promotes North Mayo along the Wild Atlantic Way

Lady of the Moy, Kate-Leigh Farrell promotes North Mayo along the Wild Atlantic Way

UCD Geography Society

October 5, 2017  – This week marks the first of the society’s new social media campaign, where every week each committee member will write a post about either their home area, or something that they’re interested in geography wise!

Featuring the works of Kate-Leigh Farrell, Lady of the Moy 2018

Dun Briste Broadhaven ToursI’m Kate-Leigh, and kicking it off by writing about my home county, Mayo (you will literally not meet another person in UCD who is as passionate about Mayo as I am; we have two flags on our mantle piece.)

My home town is Ballina (northern part of Mayo), located on the mouth of the River Moy, bordering County Sligo. We’re surrounded by the Nephin Mountain range, Belleek forest with lovely walking trails along the river and the coast, with endless beaches only a 10-minute drive away. Ballycastle in the north west has breathtaking cliff faces, and the Dún Briste sea stack is a must see (but don’t fall over the edge!) Ballycastle is also home to the Ceidé Fields, which is the archaeological site displaying the settlement from Neolithic times! Other than the physical geography, we have a rich history of culture in Mayo. We have the Gaeltacht in Bellemullet, Ballycroy National Park, and much, much more. Two great places that houses our culture is the Jackie Clarke Collection in Ballina, and the Museum of Country life in Turlough.

Now, you literally cannot mention Mayo without mentioning Gaelic football and our culture around it. Football is more like a way of life at home, it brings families together and celebrates the incredible sporting talent we have! It’s been only a couple of weeks since both of the finals (it’s still a sore subject) but, while we may be battered, we are not broken! #mayoforsam2018!! (Dr. Crampsie is on our side with her article saying the curse doesn’t exist just sayin’.)

Other than my house at home in mayo, my favourite place has to be Portacloy beach in the depths of bellemullet’s gaeltacht, my granny grew up here and it truly is next stop America! This bay has headlands to either side with sea stacks, stumps and blowholes and the beach is the most beautiful place in the world; the pictures are proof!
Writing this post has made the 4 hour trek home seem bearable this weekend, but there’s no where I’d rather call home.


– Kate-Leigh (secretary)


Thanks to Broadhaven Tours and my Dad (Brendan Farrell of Take me Home Tours) for some pics below …

Ceide CoastIMG_9751 Mayo Coastline IMG_3515 IMG_2122 Dun Briste Broadhaven Tours Dun Briste 2018

Article first published on the UCD Geography Society Facebook page – October 5, 2017.

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