Message from Fáilte Ireland’s CEO
These are truly unprecedented times for the tourism sector across the board and the effects will be catastrophic for the industry. As we see more and more job losses and closures taking place alongside mounting cash-flow and liquidity challenges, we understand that urgent action is required to help businesses and the sector survive during these incredibly challenging times. Fáilte Ireland is working closely with Government as the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation rapidly unfolds.
We have established a COVID-19 Tourism Industry Advisory Group that brings together representatives from across the tourism sector and Government officials to help monitor and manage the situation. We have also established a Business Supports Taskforce that is focusing solely on supporting industry at this time of need. These supports and guidance are being devised following consultation with key industry partners and will continue to evolve and adapt according to the industry’s most critical needs.
If there is an area of support you think the industry urgently needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email to [email protected] or Lo Call 1800-242 473 (Mon–Fri 09:00–17:00).
Paul Kelly CEO, Fáilte Ireland

Go to
https://www.failteireland.ie/ for further inforemation or contct Ballina Chamber of Commerce 096 72800 [email protected]