SMEs and Trade- Ready2Go Programme

SMEs and Trade- Ready2Go Programme

The European Commission and the European Agency for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (EASME) launched Ready2Go to support European SMEs to internationalise and become active in five target Third-Country markets.


Ready2Go provides an individual training and coaching programme which will be specifically tailored to the business. The aim of the training will be for each business to create an International Business Plan, a strategic outline to set goals and kick start international progress. Each participating company will receive on-distance support and advice from Ready2Go throughout the programme. The selected participants will benefit also from the opportunity to explore overseas markets; not only can they choose to attend 2 additional trainings taking place in 5 different cultural hubs across Europe but they will also attend up to 2 networking events in the target countries, with expenses partially funded.


The Ready2Go programme is available only for 80 selected companies. The 80 winning companies will:

  • take part in 3-day individual training and coaching programme event (to take place at the company’s’ headquarters) between June and August 2017.
  • take part in the 2-day training being held in European cities between July and October 2017.
  • draft their internationalization business plan with the support of Ready2Go.
  • take part in up 2 matchmaking events to be held between November 2017 and July 2018 in two of the following countries: Canada, Cameroon, Chile, India and United States.


Online application is available at and must be submitted by the 31th March 2017. Further information about eligibility and selection criteria, dates and the programme are available at

If you have any questions please contact [email protected] of Chamber Ireland


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