Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade – Back for Business Initiative

Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade – Back for Business Initiative

Following a successful pilot, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is once again supporting Back for Business which is designed to support returned emigrants, men and women, who have become entrepreneurs through setting up or acquiring a business on their return.

Click on Link to access Back for Business 2018    BACK FOR BUSINESS FINAL BROCHURE DEC 18


Back for Business is an initiative to foster and support entrepreneurial activity among returned emigrants or those planning to return to live in Ireland in the near future.  The six-month part time development programme is aimed at assisting them to start and develop a business. It addresses the challenges that all early stage entrepreneurs face with a particular focus on the additional barriers and challenges faced by those who have been out of the country for some time.  This can often result in their local knowledge, contact base and professional and personal networks being less developed than those of typical entrepreneurs.  Back for Business aims to bridge this gap.

Those interested should check out the website for more details, register their interest and an application form will be sent out to them out.

The fully completed application forms must to be returned no later than 25th January 2019

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