Fifth International Human Rights Lecture by The Mary Robinson Centre

Fifth International Human Rights Lecture by The Mary Robinson Centre

Date And Time 2pm Fri, 6 March 2020

Ballina Arts Centre Barrett Street F26 NW83 Ballina

Born in Durban, South Africa, Naidoo’s life-long campaign for social justice stemmed from his early involvement in South Africa’s anti-apartheid protests. In post-apartheid South Africa, Kumi Naidoo joined the African National Congress where he was a force for change in adult literacy campaigns – empowering historically and systematically disenfranchised communities to seek justice, equality and representation.

As a leader in civil society, Naidoo has campaigned for environmental justice, women’s and human rights, advocating these causes as inextricably inter-connected, using his roles in Greenpeace International, Amnesty International and with Africans Rising for justice, peace and dignity.

The lecture will be followed by a discussion between Kumi Naidoo and Mary Robinson, facilitated by journalist Olivia O’Leary.

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The Mary Robinson Centre

The Mary Robinson Centre is Ireland’s first Presidential Library. Modelled on the Libraries synonymous with all former Presidents in the US, The Mary Robinson Centre will be a centre for change, include a museum, archive, research and educational facility and events venue. It will be housed in Mary Robinson’s childhood home on the banks of the River Moy in Ballina, Co. Mayo.

In addition to sharing the lifetime achievements of Ireland’s first female President, The Mary Robinson Centre will be an educational centre, using Mary Robinson’s legacy to inspire and foster personal leadership in the service of promoting human rights, gender equality, women’s leadership and climate justice in partnership with Mayo County Council and the National University of Ireland Galway.

For more information, visit

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