Ballina Salmon Festival Top 5 novel events to watch out for

Ballina Salmon Festival Top 5 novel events to watch out for

The 52nd Ballina Salmon Festival kicks off Wednesday July 13th 2016 with Heritage Day. And with a jam packed schedule of events throughout the week, we decided to highlight the unusual in this years festival. And bring to your attention the novel, quirky events to put into your festival diary.

In no particular order:

Ballina Salmon Festival Car Treaurse Hunt

  1. Salmon Festival Car Treasure Hunt

Shiver Moy Salmon Timbers, Avast wit ye land lubbers!
Fun and banter and prizes Galore – and one for the best dressed team not score!!
Monday 11th July, from 6.30pm at Rouses bar, (Pearse St)
Friends and Family get out in the car.
Dress up, plunder and find the treasure,
Take off like a lunatic or drive at your leisure. (€20 per Car)

Ballina Salon Festival Strongest Woman

2. ‘Ballina Salmon Festival Strongest Women’

Saturday, July 16, 2016 from (12pm to 3pm) Market Square, Ballina.
Ballina’s Strongest Women will take place this year in conjunction with Ballina Salmon Festival and The Gym Ballina. Women from all 4 provinces will descend on Ballina to compete,  hosting this major event in Ireland’s strength calendar.
Weight Categories: Under 64KG’S Under 82KG’S Open Weight  82KG’S
Events on the day  to look out for -Deadlift for Reps, Jeep/Truck Pull with harness and rope !!


3.  Heritage Day’s Cultural Quarter at the Jackie Clarke Collection

Heritage Day; Wednesday 13th July

Sliabh na mBan - JCC 1


“Sliabh na mBan” armoured car that carried the body of Michael Collins after his execution in 1922, will be returning to Ballina for its third year, with Captain Johnny Dicker and his team.

It will be situated outside the JCC and the public are welcome to take photos with the car and the Irish Defence Forces on duty.



Falcon_1The ancient tradition of Falconry, which has been handed down through the generations for over 4000 years, is the art of hunting with birds of prey. Mount Falcon Estate will be holding residency at the Jackie Clarke Collection on heritage day from 2pm introducing you to the various birds of prey on display, offering the public a chance meet some of their beautiful birds.  This is a rare opportunity not to be missed.



Ballina Salmon Festival Busking Competition

4. Ballina Salmon Festival Busking Competition

Enjoy live music on the streets of Ballina from Thursday-Saturday (14th -16th  July) commencing daily from 10am to 5pm, with judging taking place from 2-3pm daily. Keep an eye out for the new Ed Sheeran, who could be discovered in Ballina.

Ballina Salmon Festival kids disco

5.  Specsavers Fancy Dress Disco

Bring the kids along to Specsavers Fancy Dress Disco at Ballina Stephenites GAA Club on Saturday 16th July from 3-4.30pm, €2 entry.  With prizes for the best fancy dress costume. Let the kiddies enjoy an afternoon of live music disco, this is the best way to entertain them and tire them out as part of Ballina Salmon Festival.

Map out your must see events this Salmon Festival by purchasing a Salmon Festival Brochure which is available for €2 at Ballina Tourist Office, Pearse St.

Further information on all events and festival itinerary at / 096 79814